Trees and Shrubs

Cedar Apple Rust

Certified Arborist List for Topeka (Updated July, 2020)

Christmas Trees and Decor (Agent Article)

Conifer Trees for Kansas Varieties

Deciduous Shrub Varieties

Drought and Flood on Trees (Agent Article)

Dutch Elm Disease Resistant American Elms (Agent Article)

Evergreen Shrub Varieties

Flowering Crabapple Varieties

Frost Cracks

Happy Trees (Agent Article)

How to Plant a Tree (Video)

Kansas Timber Buyers (List Updated January, 2021)

Making the Most of Your Fall Hike (Agent Article)

Non-Plant Products (Available through the Kansas Conservation Tree Planting Program)

Pear Rust (Agent Article)

Planting a Tree (Agent Article)

Preferred Trees for NE Kansas

Pruning Shrubs (Calendar & Guide)

Pruning Storm Damaged Trees (Agent Article)

Pruning Trees and Shrubs

Shade and Ornamental Tree Varieties

Spring Tree Diseases (Agent Article)

Sudden Oak Death (Agent Article)

Trees and Shrubs for Difficult Sites

Tree and Shrub Problems in Kansas

Trees and Water (Agent Article)

Trees for Every Space (Agent Article)

Watering Established Trees (Agent Article)

Watering Established Trees and Shrubs

Watering Newly Planted and Young Trees and Shrubs

Lane Wiens 3

Lane Wiens

Horticulture Agent
(785) 232-0062 ext. 104

SCEMG Clear Logo

Have questions? The Response Line is staffed by trained Extension Master Gardeners who will assist you with your tree, lawn and garden questions.

Phone: 785-232-0062
ext. 105 or 106
Response Line Hours:
Open April through September
Monday through Friday
1 p.m. to 5 p.m.