chickhatichingChicken Embryology in the Classroom

$17.00 for 12 eggs & an incubator

$7.00 for 12 eggs only

Targeted Grade Levels: 2nd- 3rd

Availability: One Session in October, February, and March.

(See Program Calendar for more details.)

Observation Length: 4 weeks

Standards: NGSS 3-LS1-1; 3-LS3-1

Extension Office Provides: One dozen hatching eggs, online resources, detailed Instructions, incubator (if needed), and other educational materials (as requested).

Teacher Provides: Daily observation, brooder, feeder, and waterer once chicks have hatched.

Over four weeks, students will learn about embryology development through observing the 21-day incubation period while getting a chance to hatch their chicks. Youth will also learn about proper handwashing while handling chicks and the responsibility of raising chickens.

Teacher Resources


Lancaster County 4-H, Nebraska Extension-Embryology and Poultry Resources

Illinois Extension- Incubation & Embryology questions and checklist

National Ag In the Classroom-Inside the Egg


Embryology 101 4 Part Lesson

Hatching Science-21 Days of Discovery

Chicken Embryo Development-Poultry Hub Australia

Candling Chick Eggs


Getting Started



Hatching Eggs in Classroom. A teacher's Guide -Texas A&M Agrilife Extension

Tips for a Successful Hatch -Texas A&M Agrilife Extension

3D Folding Egg Anatomy

Small Embryo Calendar

Large Embryo Calendar

Personal Embryo Data Sheet

How can you check the relative humidity

Humidity Worksheet

Relative Humidity Chart

Candling Eggs

White Leghorn Growth & Development

Embryology in the Classroom-A Closer Look

Hatching Projects in the Classroom-4-H Curriculum

Contact the Extension Office at 785-232-0062